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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Minimum year value in SQL server 2008(date data type)

Minimum year value in SQL server 2008(date data type)

SQL server 2008 comes with lots of new features and they separated SQL server datetime data type as Date and Time (datetime data type also available).SQL server previous versions (SQL 2000, SQL 2005) there is limit for min date (year-1753) and max date (year-9999). But when you notice SQL server 2008 date data type min date is 0001.

Date 24/06/2008
SQL SERVER 2000 and 2005
DROP TABLE dateCheck;
CREATE TABLE dateCheck(dateCol datetime);
INSERT INTO dateCheck(dateCol) VALUES ('12/31/1753')
INSERT INTO dateCheck(dateCol) VALUES ('01/01/1752')
SELECT * FROM dateCheck

Date 24/06/2008
--datetime data type
DROP TABLE dateCheckDateTime;
CREATE TABLE dateCheck(dateCol datetime);
INSERT INTO dateCheck(dateCol) VALUES ('12/31/1753');
INSERT INTO dateCheck(dateCol) VALUES ('01/01/1752');
SELECT * FROM dateCheck;
--date data type
DROP TABLE dateCheckDate;
CREATE TABLE dateCheckDate(dateCol date);
INSERT INTO dateCheckDate(dateCol) VALUES ('01/01/1753');
INSERT INTO dateCheckDate(dateCol) VALUES ('01/01/1752');
INSERT INTO dateCheckDate(dateCol) VALUES ('01/01/0001');
SELECT * FROM dateCheckDate;


Anonymous said...

Ideal variant

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Nice dispatch and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you seeking your information.

The Genius said...

It's cool that the earliest date has changed to 0001, because that arbitrary 1753 business was crazy. So, how can you detect if your code is writing to Sql Server 2008? We have sites where the database is unknown to the code.

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